

PowerGuide4400 refers to EN50160, EN61000-4-7 and EN61000-4-15 standards. The power supply quality measurement refers to the EN61000-4-30 voltage quality standard. This Class A instrument can monitor RMS, harmonics, flicker and within 80us. Transient. There are 8 measuring channels, 4 voltage measuring channels and 4 current measuring channels. The type of measurement setup and measurement circuit is automatically completed according to the detected measurement, and the detection limit value can be easily set automatically. The measured data is saved to the CF card, and the interface uses high resolution.

Product Details


Refer to EN50160, EN61000-4-7 and EN61000-4-15 standards. The power supply quality measurement refers to the EN61000-4-30 voltage quality standard. This Class A instrument can monitor RMS, harmonics, flicker and transients within 80us. change. Pulse tester

There are 8 measuring channels, 4 voltage measuring channels and 4 current measuring channels. The type of measurement setup and measurement circuit is automatically completed according to the detected measurement. The detection limit value can be easily set automatically. The measured data is saved to the CF card. The interface uses a high-resolution color touch screen. The operating language can be selected in Chinese. , English, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Japanese, German, and Korean.

A special mode for recording device startup effects and fault records is provided, in addition to a voltage drop direction, switching power factor correction and motor quality analysis module.
